Career Education

Skills that enable students who are blind or low vision to move toward working as an adult include:

  • Exploring and expressing preferences about work roles
  • Assuming work responsibilities at home and school
  • Understanding concepts of reward for work
  • Participating in job experiences
  • Learning about jobs and adult work roles at a developmentally appropriate level
Happy schoolboy standing with his shadow on the wall while imagining be a businessman.

Age-Appropriate Career Education and the Expanded Core Curriculum

What Is Age-Appropriate Career Education? Career education includes the knowledge and skills children and youth learn to successfully transition from school environments to adult roles, including postsecondary education or training, employment or work-related activities, and independent living. Career education for children and adolescents with blindness or low vision should begin as early as possible. Topics […]

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A young girl sitting on her dad's lap working at an office desk.

Career Education Skills for Toddlers to Teenagers

When planning for your child’s future livelihood, you may have heard the wise advice to “begin with the end in mind.” This means we need to envision the skills and knowledge we would like to impart to our kiddos before they reach adulthood so that they are adequately equipped to one day engage and enter […]

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A man handing a cookie to a customer over the counter.

Our Stories: People Who Are Blind or Low Vision Succeeding at Work and Life

If you are career-curious and interested in discovering how someone landed their first job or how blind and low-vision people succeed and thrive at work, this is your page! Check out our Success Stories Video Blog Series. Listen to our one-on-one interviews with employees, employers, and business owners big and small. Read about how others […]

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