Your Deafblind Child: Understanding and Support

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Deafblindness is often misunderstood. Rather than a specific diagnosis from a medical team, deafblindness is a level of combined hearing and vision impairment that impacts a person’s ability to learn and navigate their environment differently than the challenges experienced by someone who is only blind (or low vision) or only deaf (or hard of hearing).  Additionally, there is wide diversity in deafblindness, from low vision or cortical vision impairment (CVI) to blind and from mildly hard of hearing or auditory processing issues to profoundly deaf. All are considered deafblindness, and there are state deafblind programs in every state to support qualifying children and their families. 

How Can You Support Your Child’s Learning? 

You can help your child learn by focusing on communication and creating a supportive environment. This may include using tactile cues, such as touch, to communicate with your child and providing a quiet and structured environment to help minimize sensory overload. Consider learning American Sign Language (ASL) and braille to better communicate with your child. Consider the following:

  1. Develop a tactile communication system. For children who are deafblind, tactile communication can be very effective. This can involve using tactile signs, tactile symbols, or other forms of touch-based communication.
  2. Encourage exploration. Children who are deafblind often have limited access to the world around them. Encouraging exploration through sensory activities like feeling different textures or experiencing different smells can be an effective way to help your child learn and engage with the world.
  3. Use visual aids. Your child may benefit from using visual aids such as picture schedules or visual timers that can help your child understand routines and transitions.
  4. Practice turn-taking. Taking turns during communication activities can help your child develop critical social skills. This can be as simple as taking turns tapping a rhythm on a table or passing an object back and forth.
  5. Seek out resources and support. Many organizations and support groups are available for parents of deafblind children. These groups can provide valuable information, resources, and support to help you better understand and support your child’s unique needs.
  6. Try Active Learning. Active Learning Space is a collaboration between Penrickton Center for the Blind Children, Texas School for the Blind and Visually Impaired, and Perkins School for the Blind that provides resources, ideas, and training for Family Connect’s Active Learning, the educational approach developed by Dr. Lilli Nielson.

What Instructional Supports and Programs are Available for a Deafblind Child?

Many instructional supports and programs are available to support children who are deafblind. Work with your child’s medical team and educators to identify the resources and services best suited to your child’s needs. Instructional supports and programs may include:

Early Intervention Services

Services may involve physical therapy, occupational therapy, speech therapy, a developmental therapist, a Teacher of Students with Visual Impairments, sensory integration therapy, orientation and mobility, communication strategies, assistive technology, and other services provided in the home or community settings.

Braille and Sign Language Instruction

The child’s vision and hearing levels dictate the need for braille and sign language for effective communication. Tactile signing is another option, where the child feels the signer’s hand movements to understand messages. It’s vital to understand your child’s need for multi-modal communication. This helps them guide you and professionals in expressing their preferences and needs. Such understanding promotes growth in various communication methods.

Educational Programs

Schools for the deafblind may provide specialized instruction to help children develop communication, cognitive, and life skills. They may also offer specialized services such as speech and language, occupational, and physical therapy. Explore school options and understand what your child has a right to under IDEA to determine the best learning environment for your child.

Assistive Technology

Various devices and equipment can be used to help children who are deafblind, including hearing aids, cochlear implants, tactile communication devices, screen readers, and communication apps. 

Sensory Integration Therapy

This therapy is designed to help children integrate information from their senses to develop a more thorough understanding of their environment. Therapy may include playing with different textures, working with tactile puzzles, and engaging in sensory-motor activities. You can also seek sensory-integration support through a developmental disability specialist, OT, PT, and TVI. 

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