Engaging Travel Activities for Your Child with Blindness (Video)
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You travel with your child for appointments, visiting friends and family, and visiting new places. Traveling with your child may require more preparation to ensure they are engaged. Now that you have read about Active Learning, consider taking Active Learning on the road.
How Can You Use The Active Learning Approach When Traveling?
Active learning doesn’t have to stop when you leave the house. There are a variety of ways to incorporate Active Learning strategies while traveling that engage your child during travel by car, trains, while at airports and in flights. It may seem like a few more things to pack or not forget when coming back home but taking the time to prepare and plan active learning activities will help ensure your child’s learning while traveling.
Five Things to Consider When Taking Active Learning on the Road
- Would packing a few novel or new items similar to what they enjoy bring excitement and curiosity?
- Are there other children who may enjoy the same activity or similar ones?
- What travel games could you use to keep your child engaged while on the road?
- Who or what might they encounter that you can role play or help them better understand before experiencing a new person or place?
Bags are Packed and We Are Taking Active Learning with Us
Discover some tips and ways to help keep your child active and engaged during your next trip. You may find you have many of these items already laying around or you have a crafty family member who can make some of the activities. Either way, Active Learning is about your child, their individual needs and interests. You don’t have over think it. Active Learning Space has instructions to help you if you are ready to get crafty and make a few things before traveling.
Active Learning While Traveling Video
For more information or to visit, Penrickton Center for Blind Children, call (734) 946-7500. Discover more information about Active Learning and the many ideas for supporting your child in learning every day and becoming the most independent as possible.
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