Skills for your Preschooler Who is Visually Impaired: Developmental

This content is also available in: Español (Spanish)

Children are sponges that continue to learn and develop quickly! Now is the time to begin exposing your child to many different learning opportunities and experiences.  We offer resources tailored for parents of preschoolers who are blind or have low vision, as develop may look different for them.

This section focuses on essential developmental skills like hand-under-hand instruction, enhancing fine motor skills, and teaching assertive language. It also provides tips on how to increase independence in dressing and mealtime, promote friendships, and introduce the use of calendars. Each article is designed to help parents facilitate their child’s growth.

A teacher with her hand on the braille book with the students hand on top of her hand.

Hand-Under-Hand Instruction for Children With Blindness or Low Vision

This content is also available in: Español (Spanish)Children who are blind or have low vision use touch, hearing, and smell to learn. These senses help them understand things that others see. When you show your child something new, try to use all the senses. Let’s say you have something new and safe for your child. […]

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A preschooler wearing glasses and patch, sitting at a table cutting paper.

Big Skills for Little Muscles

This content is also available in: Español (Spanish)Fine motor skills are essential for preschool-age children to achieve a variety of developmental milestones. Fine motor skills are needed for holding pencils, using scissors, tying shoes, zipping up jackets and many more activities. When your child has the finger strength to accomplish these tasks it supports their […]

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Child trying to close a zipper.

Zipping, Snapping, and Fastening—Lots to Learn About Dressing

This content is also available in: Español (Spanish)By the time children are three, they can usually put on pants with elastic waists and pull on a shirt or sweater. But doing zippers, snaps, buttons, and ties might be hard for them. This is true for all young children. Children this age want to do things […]

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A preschooler smiling wearing a bow in her hair and a dress.

Assertive Language for Preschoolers with Blindness or Low Vision

This content is also available in: Español (Spanish)Over and over, well-intentioned folks will assume your child needs help and will provide assistance without asking. Your child will need to know how to say, “No, thank you,” firmly and respectfully. Other times, your child will want or need help with unfamiliar tasks or environments. Your child […]

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A group of preschoolers standing against an ice cream truck enjoying ice cream.

Promoting Friendship Among Preschoolers Who Are Blind or Low Vision

This content is also available in: Español (Spanish)The preschool years are all about learning to be a friend. In fact, much of the preschool curriculum is devoted to supporting the development of skills for interacting with peers. Children with blindness or low vision often need intentional help in developing the skills that can lead to […]

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A cutting board with three different size beginning knife set.

Increasing Your Blind or Low-Vision Preschooler’s Independence in the Kitchen and at Meals

This content is also available in: Español (Spanish)Now that your child may begin eating snacks with other children in preschool or going out to eat with you in restaurants, they need to know how to feed themselves and eat neatly using regular utensils. This is also a good time to introduce simple ways of preparing […]

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Post it notes in various colors with months of the year on it.

Using Calendars with a Preschooler who is Blind or Low Vision

This content is also available in: Español (Spanish)One day, your child will need to keep track of important things. Dates, tasks, deadlines, and goals all go in a calendar or planner. This helps them stay organized and reliable. Start getting them ready for this skill now. Show them a calendar that they can use easily. […]

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Child making homemade cookies.

Where Do Cookies Come From? Making Cookies with Children Who Are Blind or Low Vision

This content is also available in: Español (Spanish)By Anne McComiskey The holidays are here, and traditions abound. One of the smelliest, tastiest, and prettiest traditions is making holiday cookies. Everyone loves the idea of cookies, and families are usually eager to taste them. Aside from several delicious calories, there is nothing but joy in a […]

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