Medical Professionals – What to ask?

This content is also available in: Español (Spanish)

Learn about getting started with parenting a child with an eye condition. Let us share how to information and resources to help you understand the medical professionals. It is important to prepare for appointments and know which questions to ask.

Mother and little girl - optometrist Checks Child's Eye

Eye Care Professionals Who May Work with Your Child

This content is also available in: Español (Spanish)Finding the Right Eye Care Professionals for Your Child Your family may have little or no experience finding and working with medical specialists. However, if your child has been diagnosed with an eye condition, it becomes important to find a specialist. Your family doctor may be the first […]

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A happy pediatrician holding a baby with other medical professionals standing behind.

Working with Medical and Educational Professionals

This content is also available in: Español (Spanish)You’ve probably heard the expression that it takes a village to raise a child. That expression is especially true when it comes to a child who is blind or low vision with additional disabilities. You may have found that the number of medical and educational personnel you’ve met […]

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"Young boy sitting at desk using magnifying reader to do schoolwork."

Low Vision Exam. What is it? Who Needs it?  What comes next?

This content is also available in: Español (Spanish)Low vision exams improve the quality of life for anyone with impaired vision. Students and youth with blindness or low vision often need classroom accommodations. These adjustments, like choice in seating, can be simple. But often, tools such as reading glasses or bifocal lenses are required to magnify […]

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Child using a video magnifier reading a book.

Low-Vision Assessments and Services: The Earlier Your Child Starts, The Better

This content is also available in: Español (Spanish)Perhaps your young child has trouble reading, even though they’ve started building a vocabulary. Maybe a teacher says your teen is having problems seeing the blackboard from an assigned seat or isn’t meeting their full potential working online. Or it could be that you take your child to […]

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Hands working on stacks of paperwork at home.

Keeping Track of All the Paperwork

This content is also available in: Español (Spanish) You may be amazed and sometimes overwhelmed at how much paper you get—forms you’ve been asked to sign so the teacher can get the doctor’s records and the doctor’s office can get the teacher’s records, and so on. Do you need to keep copies? Why do you […]

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Dad holding infant with large, blue eyes

InfantSEE Offers No-Cost Vision Assessments for Babies

This content is also available in: Español (Spanish)Most children get a basic vision screening in elementary school. But the founders of InfantSEE® realized that it’s just not early enough, or thorough enough, to identify some eye conditions that can impact a child’s development and learning ability. Glen Steele, O.D., FCOVD, FAAO, an optometrist based in […]

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