T-Base Communications

General Information

T-Base Communications
806 Commerce Park Drive
Ogdensburg, NY 13669
[email protected]

Brief Description

T-Base is North America's go-to accessible communications company and industry thought leader, ensuring your customer communications are fully accessible and compliant with legislation. We simplify accessible communications by providing secure design, production and delivery of accessible statements, documents and educational material in braille, large print, e-Text and audio. We also provide digital accessibility services, including web audits and PDF remediation.

We specialize in producing statements, documents and textbooks into alternate formats such as braille, large print, e-Text, and audio as well as online with web accessibility and accessible PDF.

Services Offered

  • Braille/Electronic/Audio/Large Print Production
    • Statements, documents and textbooks in braille, large print, e-Text and audio. PDF creation and remediation as well as accessible web audits and mobile audits for online communications Training in web accessibility, accessible PDF and Office document creation and accessibility awareness training for customer service representatives Industries served include government, financial services, educational institutions and departments, publishers, telecommunication companies and healthcare insurance.