Chicago Lighthouse for People Who Are Blind or Visually Impaired

General Information

Chicago Lighthouse for People Who Are Blind or Visually Impaired
1850 West Roosevelt Road
Chicago, IL 60608
(312) 666 1331
[email protected]

Brief Description

The Chicago Lighthouse is approved as a nonpublic education facility for disabled children by State of Illinois.

Services Offered

  • Counseling
    • Offers parent counseling, psychological consultation, and limited psychological testing and evaluation. Offers individual, group, family/parent, couple counseling and placement in training. Offers job placement counseling. Refers for other counseling/social work services. Provides consultation to other agencies.

  • Employment/Job Training
    • Provides pre-vocational and vocational evaluation, career and skill counseling, occupational skill development, job retention, job retraining, rehabilitation workshop, vocational placement, supported employment, follow-up service. Refers for other employment-oriented services.

  • Professional Training
    • Offers internship/fieldwork placement in low vision, residency in ophthalmology, rehabilitation counseling, special education, social work, rehabilitation teaching, orientation and mobility. Offers in-service training programs and short-term or summer training. Programs open to enrollment from other agencies.

  • Recreation Services
    • Refers for recreational services.

  • Daily Living Skills/Independent Living Skills Training
    • Accepts individuals with multiple disabilities including deaf-blind, developmental disabilities, and others.

  • Assessment
    • Offers pre-vocational and vocational evaluation.

  • Computer Training/Assistive Technology
    • Offers activities, seminars and computer training classes for people aged 55 or over who are blind or visually impaired. The computer training classes, which cover Internet, e-mail and word processing, are held in two-hour sessions, twice a week, for four weeks. Available hours are 10:00 AM to 12:00 noon, or 1:00 PM to 3:00 PM. It is not required of participants to own a computer; however, the training offers an opportunity to experience the possibilities and decide whether or not to own one.

  • Information and Referral
    • Information and referral specialists available to answer questions concerning devices, organizations and services for persons who are blind or visually impaired. Assists people who are blind or visually impaired to obtain government and community services. Provides consultative services to businesses.

  • Assistive Products
    • Distributes assistive devices including large-print, braille, and talking products for employment and personal use. Products for sale on site and online.

  • Travel/Orientation and Mobility
    • Provides orientation and mobility training.

  • Low Vision Services
    • Provides low vision services to help patients maximize use of their remaining vision and adjust to psychological and social issues of living with low vision.

  • Health
    • Provides low vision examinations. Offers occupational, physical, speech therapy and medical consultation. Evaluates eye health, treats eye conditions, prescribes spectacles or devices. Refers for other health services.

  • Reading Services
    • Chicagoland Radio Information Service (CRIS) provides daily readings of newspapers and periodicals including news stories, sales circulars, and classified listings for listeners who have a wide range of disabilities.