Read an eBook Week  

person sitting on the couch and holding an eReader

March ushers in Read an eBook Week. It’s the perfect time to celebrate how digital eBooks have transformed reading for those who find print difficult or impossible to read. Methods for accessing and reading eBooks vary. Regardless of your blindness, low vision, or comfort level with technology, there is a way to read.  NLS  One of […]

Peer Highlights: APH VisionAware Advisors’ Inspiring Achievements in 2023 

collage of peers: Elizabeth Sammons on the left, Deanna DeAnna Quietwater Noriega to her right, Lynda Lambert far right, Liz Bottner in the center under Deanna, Max Ivy on bottom right

For ten-plus years, volunteer APH VisionAware Peer Advisors have contributed and shaped nearly all of the content on the site today. As a content manager, I am grateful for the expertise, talent, and time the advisors share –assuring VisionAware is a one-stop resource for individuals, family and friends, and professionals in the field of blindness […]

Older Driver Safety Awareness Week 2023

Older adult driving with an older passenger

Thanks to our partners at the Clearinghouse for Older Road User Safety (ChORUS), we are sharing this piece about Older Driver Safety Awareness Week.      During the holiday season and throughout the year, we all want those in our community to be safe. Help us get the word out for Older Driver Safety Awareness Week (ODSAW).   […]

Macular Hole Reflections

A large full thickness macular hole in a middle-aged female. Photo Source: Retina Gallery

Photo Source: Retina Gallery Editor’s note: Several years ago, Joy Efron, Ed.D., wrote a series of articles on macular and pseudo macular holes based on personal experience. In this post, she discusses highlights of the recently updated articles.   Introduction  As I write this, in 2023, I am reflecting on my macular hole diagnosis, surgery, and […]

Building Inclusivity from the Ground Up

Person walking up building steps using a white cane and dog guide

The AWS Foundation, founded in 1989, is a Northeast Indiana-focused grant-making nonprofit organization. Its mission is to financially assist organizations working with children and adults with intellectual, developmental, and physical disabilities to live as independently as they want, be included in the community, and function at their highest potential. It has grown from one employee […]