Price of Nice: Assumptions, Reality, and Cost-benefit Analysis of ADA Mandates

Person wearing business attire walks up office steps with a white cane

In his opinion piece for the Colorado Springs Gazette, the Libertarian political commentator and professor Barry Fagin accused the ADA of trying to achieve a public good through private means, unnecessarily (and unconstitutionally) burdening private citizens with the cost of implementation and adherence. A Look at the Cost High cost is a key sticking point […]

Self-Awareness Is Essential to Career Success

Individual wearing eyeglasses and professional clothing looks at her reflection in a mirror

Editor’s note: Solid self-awareness is the basis for finding a career that complements you and for maintaining employment. The following blog on self-awareness has been updated as of July 2023. If career success is likened to a well-built building, thorough self-awareness is the foundation. In engineering, it should be noted that the taller the architectural […]