Braille Roundup: Reading by the Dots

collage with braille slate and stylus top left, braille playing cards top right, woman using ATM bottom left, woman reading braille restroom sign bottom right

January is braille awareness month.  Louis Braille, the creator of the braille code, was born on January 4. There are many misunderstandings about braille. A few years ago, in Four Misconceptions to Learning and Reading Braille, I said, “It’s been my experience, with the occasional exception, most individuals with an acquired vision loss who did not grow up using braille express little […]

My Braille Journey

Individual using a Perkins Brailler

Editor’s note: Natalie Charles, a young adult who is blind, reflects on learning braille and participating in a Braille Bee as a student. Natalie dreams of becoming a braille teacher, a braille transcriber, or opening Braille Learning Center. As far as I can remember, I started learning braille when I was 2 or 3 years […]