Job Search Resources for Blind and Low Vision Job Seekers 

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Looking for work is time-consuming and takes a good bit of planning, organization, and networking. In addition to seeking support from family, friends, and school contacts, you may benefit from Vocational Rehabilitation services. These programs, which can be tailored specifically for individuals who are blind or have low vision or offered as part of broader local workforce initiatives, provide valuable resources. Engaging with your local labor divisions can also help you gain insight into job opportunities and trends within your community. 

Additionally, consider utilizing the following resources, which include regional and nationwide support. 

Bridges from School to Work 

Bridges from School to Work is a valuable program for youth ages 17 to 24, available in several locations. It supports young people with an IEP or 504 plan in securing their first job and may also assist with career advancement. Participants can access services up to six months after starting their job, providing continued guidance and support during this critical transition. 

Services are available in Los Angeles and San Fransisco, CA; Atlanta, GA; Chicago, IL; Boston, MA; New York City, NY; Philadelphia, PA; Dallas and Forth Worth, TX. For further information, visit

U.S. Federal Government Employment Resources 

The U.S. Federal Government offers various employment resources for individuals with disabilities, including hiring policies, job listings, and protections against discrimination. 

U.S. Department of Labor, Office of Disability Employment Policy (ODEP)  

Learn how the U.S. government promotes hiring individuals with disabilities and explore related policies by exploring U.S. Department of Labor, Office of Disability Employment Policy

U.S. Office of Personnel Management (OPM)  

U.S. Office of Personnel Management (OPM) oversees hiring policies for federal agencies and provides a dedicated webpage on federal employment opportunities for individuals with disabilities. This is an essential resource for those seeking federal jobs. 

USAJOBS is the official job board for U.S. federal government positions, where individuals can search and apply for jobs. Schedule A Hiring Authority is a program that allows individuals with disabilities to apply for federal jobs through an expedited process, increasing access to employment opportunities. To learn more about Schedule A Hiring Authority and program eligibility, visit USAJOBS Help Center – Individuals with disabilities

The Department of Defense Shared List is a user-friendly database where qualified job seekers with disabilities, eligible under Schedule A, can submit their resumes and credentials to be considered for priority hiring within the federal government. 

U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC)  

The U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) enforces workplace protections against discrimination and provides resources for applicants and employees who experience unfair labor practices. 

These resources help individuals with disabilities navigate the federal employment process and access career opportunities within the U.S. government. 


Disability.Gov is a comprehensive listing of disability-related federal government resources. 

Employment Search 

The following websites provide nationwide job banks and recruitment programs. These platforms connect job seekers with potential employers and provide support services to enhance their employment prospects. 

  • Careeronestop is hosted by the U.S. Department of Labor and allows you to search job banks in each state and investigate Fastest-Growing Industries, Industries with the Largest Employment, and Industries with Declining Employment. 
  • CareerSite is a convenient source for career information, including automatically matching jobs against a resume. 
  • The Employer Assistance & Recruiting Network (EARN) can connect you with local employment service providers who can help you with your job search. Network providers include colleges, universities, nonprofit organizations, state and private vocational and rehabilitation agencies, Career One-Stop Centers, professional associations, and veterans service organizations. 
  • Equal Opportunity Publications provides a resume database where, upon submission, your resume is sent free to major participating corporations and government agencies actively recruiting people with disabilities. 
  • Indeed is a simple tool for searching job postings, newspapers, associations, and company career pages. 
  • Workforce Recruitment Program is a recruitment and referral program connecting federal and private sector employers with highly motivated postsecondary students with disabilities who are eager to prove their abilities in the workplace through summer or permanent jobs. 
  • CareerBuilder is one of America’s most popular job search sites. 

Other Important Resources 

  • NSITE provides web-based career training and certification programs and job search tools such as a job board for individuals who are blind or low vision. 
  • Bender Consulting Services is an enterprise that provides disability employment expertise in recruitment, workplace mentoring, strategic planning, training, and digital accessibility. 
  • HirePotential is a national consulting and employment firm that works with corporations committed to diversity by helping them create a universally accessible work environment. 
  • Job Accommodation Network is a free consulting service that provides information about how to solve job access issues based on information in their database. They also provide information on the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and the employability of people with disabilities. 

Finding the right job takes time, effort, and the right support. By exploring these resources, you can connect with valuable opportunities and navigate your career path successfully. Whether you’re looking for your first job or advancing in your field, these tools can help you achieve your employment goals.