Conducting a Successful Job Search

The following are job-seeking skills to develop and hone if you are blind or low vision.


Let’s face it: The demands of life require money. You, reader, need a job or look forward to a future career. Where do you start? Considering approximately one-third of your life will be spent at work, a good beginning is to think through how you want to spend your valuable time. Know what you enjoy. […]

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Finding and Utilizing Job Leads

Job leads—information about job openings, either in the form of ads, postings, information from your network, or even rumors or news items—are a crucial part of establishing a career. No job lead is a lousy job lead, even if it does not pan out for you. It’s important to be diligent, patient, and prepared throughout […]

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A visually impaired person using a walking stick

Disclosing Blindness/ Low Vision

When—if ever—to disclose your disability to a potential or current employer is one of the most difficult issues people who are blind/ low vision deal with during the employment process. It’s also one of the most frequently debated issues—if you ask three people who have disabilities about disclosure, you will get three distinctly different points […]

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Photo of a job applicatoin being filled out

Filling Out a Job Application

Employers use standard application forms to gather basic information about the candidates when filling a position. Applications may ask for much of the information you have included on your resume, but both are usually required in the hiring process. Personal Data Sheet In the early stages of the employment process, most employers require a similar […]

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Photo of sample resume

Building a Resume/ Sample Resume

Resumes are a necessity in the job-seeking process. It’s essential to have a high-quality and current resume prepared and on hand whenever a potential employer might ask for one. Most employers will formally require that you submit a resume at some point in the application process. Even when it’s not formally required, nearly all businesses […]

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Photo of newspaper, notebook, pen and cover

Writing a Cover Letter

A cover letter is a formal letter submitted as an accompaniment to a resume. A standard cover letter should run no longer than three paragraphs and be simple to read, clear, neat, concise, understandable, error-free, and formatted correctly. A cover letter aims to persuade an employer to review your resume. A resume can make a […]

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