Kiran Kaja, Accessibility Lead for Instagram, shares what ignited his passion for accessibility

Photo of Kiran Kaja

Kiran Kaja has a rare form of Retinitis Pigmentosa (RP); while most with RP begin losing their vision in their teenage years, Kiran has been blind since birth. Thankfully, Kiran’s parents understood early on that blindness is but one characteristic of an individual and that he was and is fully capable. Blindness did, however, uniquely […]

Individualized Education Program (IEP): What to Advocate For 

Exterior view of a typical school

Under IDEA Part B, every child with a disability is entitled to a Free Appropriate Public Education (FAPE). For children with visual impairments—including blindness—the Individualized Education Program (IEP) is designed to meet their general and disability-related needs. In this guide, we’ll explore the purpose of the IEP, what to expect at IEP meetings, and practical […]

Introducing Payton Polk, STEAM Student and APH-Papano Scholarship Recipient for 2021

Headshot of Payton Polk

In June of 2021, APH announced a new scholarship for students who are blind or low vision! The Peter Papano-APH STEM Scholarship is offered for students living in California and planning on pursuing post-secondary education at a California college or university and majoring in a STEM subject area. This blog highlights Payton Polk, one of three recipients of The Peter Papano-APH STEM Scholarship. Congratulations Payton!  Interview with Payton APH: Hi Payton! Thank you for taking the […]