Early Intervention and the “Virtual Home Visit” Service Delivery Model

Individual holds baby on lap and looks at a tablet. Graphic reads “APH Hive. Exploring Virtual Home Visits in Early Intervention Services. DeEtte Snyder, Cathy Smyth, Nana Phangia Dewald”

Your young child who is blind or low vision likely has various early intervention services supporting their needs. As service-providing agencies find fewer providers, especially in rural areas, many offer virtual services. Some agencies offer a hybrid of in-person and virtual services, which has its own set of benefits and barriers. Would you like to […]

Presents and Toys for Young Children

A blue Teeter Popper

Finding gifts for children who are blind or have low vision might seem hard. But there are many accessible and enjoyable options out there, whether it’s for your child, grandchild, cousin, niece, or nephew. Choosing a Toy Look for multi-sensory toys for children with eye conditions. Choose ones that are bright, noisy, and have varied […]

Individualized Education Program (IEP): What to Advocate For 

Exterior view of a typical school

Under IDEA Part B, every child with a disability is entitled to a Free Appropriate Public Education (FAPE). For children with visual impairments—including blindness—the Individualized Education Program (IEP) is designed to meet their general and disability-related needs. In this guide, we’ll explore the purpose of the IEP, what to expect at IEP meetings, and practical […]

Supporting Literacy Development for Children Who Are Blind or Have Low Vision

Blind child reading book written in Braille at table, closeup.

Literacy—the ability to read and write—is essential for success in today’s world. For children who are blind or have low vision, literacy skills are the gateway to academic success, creative expression, and meaningful social connections. Whether your child is just beginning to learn literacy skills or is facing challenges as a struggling reader, there are […]