Overview of the Service System for Children Who Are Blind or Have Low Vision

A child with cerebral palsy on physiotherapy in a children therapy center.

Services for children who are blind or have low vision span a broad spectrum, offered by various agencies and organizations at community, state, and national levels. However, it’s important to note that these services and the agencies providing them can differ significantly from one state to another, particularly regarding services for infants and toddlers. Early […]

Problem-Solving Skills for Grade Schoolers with Blindness or Low Vision

Child completes a puzzle

Grade school life is a rich environment for learning problem-solving skills. Just think of the typical situations your child or family member who is blind or low vision confronts at this age: Instead of immediately removing or solving problems for your child, consider problems as opportunities to train your child in problem-solving skills. Your child […]

Exposing Children Who are Blind or Low Vision to Group Work

Three students working together on a science project.

John Donne famously wrote, “No man is an island.” Focusing that idea on our topic of your child’s career, we can quote APH ConnectCenter’s positive work habits lesson plan, “A work environment is almost always a team environment. Getting along with others and pulling (one’s) weight on the job is imperative. In most cases, an […]

Orientation and Mobility for Grade Schoolers

A girl wearing glasses sitting on the floor in a classroom.

What Is Orientation and Mobility? Orientation and Mobility (O&M) is the teaching of concepts, skills, and techniques needed to orient to surroundings and to move independently and safely in the environment. To learn and master these skills, a child who is blind or has low vision commonly works with an O&M specialist upon diagnosis through […]