It’s a Matter of Safety: What Kinds of Touch are Okay?

Young boy crossing his arms in front of his upper body

This article helps parents and caregivers teach blind and low-vision children about safe and unsafe touching. Often, people who are blind get used to being touched as part of daily life. For example, to show them something, someone might guide their hand to an object. People also might need to touch them to guide them […]

About the APH Directory of Services

The APH Directory of Services is a comprehensive and searchable database, provided at no cost, that lists over 2,000 organizations and agencies in the United States and Canada. These entities offer services to individuals who are blind or have low vision. The directory is maintained by the American Printing House for the Blind (APH), and […]

Emotional Impact of a Child’s Blindness or Low Vision

Sincere different generations family holding hands.

Discovering that your child is blind or has low vision can be a profoundly challenging experience for any family. It’s natural to feel uncertain about how to communicate your child’s condition to others and where to seek support. You might also be contemplating the ways in which this will affect your family dynamics and your […]