Astigmatism and Refractive Error

Person selecting eyeglasses

The power of your eye to focus and see an image is dependent on several structures within the eye: Myopia or Near-Sightedness People with myopia, or near-sightedness, can see close-up objects clearly, but distant objects are blurred. Source: National Eye Institute Hyperopia or Far-Sightedness In contrast, people with hyperopia, or far-sightedness, can see distant objects […]

Age-Related Wet & Dry Macular Degeneration (AMD)

Photo of forest with large gray dot in the center.

Are you experiencing blurring or a blind spot in the center of your vision? Are you seeing blurry areas on a printed page? Do some straight lines appear wavy? Are there dark spaces or areas in the center of your vision? It might be age-related macular degeneration. Age-related macular degeneration (AMD) is a gradual, progressive, […]

The Different Types of Eye Care Professionals

eyecare professional giving an eye exam

Ophthalmologists, optometrists, orthoptists, opticians, and low vision specialists have distinct roles in providing comprehensive eye care. This guide will help you understand the differences between these professions, their training, and how they contribute to vision health and utilizing remaining vision. Ophthalmology and Ophthalmologists Ophthalmology is a branch of medicine specializing in eye anatomy, function, and […]

Albinism and Low Vision

retina with spots

What Is Albinism? Albinism represents a group of conditions characterized by a defect in the production of the pigment melanin, normally found in skin, eyes, and hair. Any one of many genes responsible for melanin production can lead to albinism. There are two major types of albinism: Oculocutaneous Albinism Ocular Albinism How Does Albinism Affect […]

Lighting for Reading

Person reading a book by lamplight

If you have low vision, improving the lighting in your home is the key to making everyday tasks easier, and reading is no exception. It’s important to find the proper lighting to help you read most effectively, even with the best magnification. Keep in mind that depending on your eye condition, lighting can also cause […]