Resource List for Supporting Individuals Who Are Blind/ Low Vision

Older couple sitting on a couch holding a remote control

  by Audrey Demmitt, R.N., VisionAware Peer Support Group Advisor VisionAware Families and Friends— provides useful help for family members. VisionAware also has a directory of services and information on living with vision loss. Caregiver Action Network (CAN)— provides support group forums, videos, tip sheets, and resources on all aspects of caregiving. The ADA National […]

Activities and Ways to play with your child with blindness

A little girl sitting against the couch playing with kitchen and household items hanging from a play frame. 

All babies go through a sequence of learning to play. The first thing an infant usually does with a toy is bring it to their mouth—they have already had the pleasure of sucking on a nipple and getting milk from it, so maybe the toy will taste good too! While sighted babies frequently continue to […]

Transition to Work: Program Activity Guide for Blind and Low Vision

Individual writing in notebook

The Transition to Work: Program Activity Guide was created for community rehabilitation program providers, vocational rehabilitation agencies, and teachers of students with visual impairments (TVIs) working to improve employment outcomes for teens and young adults who are blind or low vision. Youth with blindness/ low vision belong in competitive integrated jobs during and after high […]


Two hands knitting

Do you have happy memories of knitting with two needles in your hands and the feeling of a soft ball of yarn in a color that you love? Did you put away your needles and yarn after vision loss because you believed you could not ever knit again? If so, I have some good news […]

Eye Health: Anatomy of the Eye

Model of an eye

To understand this diagram of the eye, try to picture it as being split in two, like an apple that’s been cut in half. Imagine yourself looking into the eye from the cut side. The Cornea The cornea is a transparent dome-shaped tissue that forms the front part of your eye. It functions as a […]