Learning Media Assessment (LMA)

A student writing what is displayed on an enlarged screen.

The Teacher of Students with Visual Impairments (TVI) conducts the Learning Media Assessment (LMA). The results are used to determine which senses your child uses most to get information from the environment. Additionally, decisions can be made about which method or methods your child should use for learning and literacy. If the sense of touch […]

IEP and 504 Plan: What’s the Difference, and Which Is Most Appropriate for My Child Who is Blind Or Low Vision?

Young mother sitting at a conference table with teachers.

As children with blindness or low vision progress through school, parents and administrators meet regularly to review the child’s progress and set new goals. Sometimes, especially for older students, questions arise as to whether special education services are still necessary—if the student is doing well as long as basic accommodations like braille, large print, and/or […]

Your Service Team for Your Child with Blindness or Low Vision

A teacher supporting a student learning

When children have blindness or low vision or other disability, providing them with special education services—such as instruction from a TVI—often is not sufficient. They may need additional support or services before they can truly benefit from the education they are receiving. Such additional services might include orientation and mobility (O&M) training so that the […]