Who Should Manage Your Child’s Special Needs Trust?

Kid hands holding coins in a jar together as saving concept for family or education.

by Steve Morris A good synonym for trustee would be agent or, better yet, super agent. Our law refers to super agents as “Fiduciary.” The trustee is responsible for managing the special needs trusts on behalf of the person with the disability. When a trustee is named, that trustee is given, both by the maker […]

Orientation and Mobility and the Expanded Core Curriculum

Two students holding canes facing teachers. 

What Is Orientation & Mobility (O&M)? This area of the expanded core curriculum (ECC) focuses on two broad, interrelated components: orientation (knowing one’s position in relation to other things in one’s surroundings and keeping track of how these relations/positions change as one moves through the environment) and mobility (the physical act of moving from one […]

Orientation and Mobility Assessment

Two students outside,  holding canes with an Orientation and Mobility instructor standing behind them. 

An orientation and mobility (O&M) assessment examines a child’s ability to travel safely indoors and outdoors, with or without assistance. An O&M instructor, a professional with specialized training in teaching travel skills and concepts such as spatial awareness, will conduct the assessment. Some TVIs are certified in O&M, while others have limited expertise and cannot […]

IEP and 504 Plan: What’s the Difference, and Which Is Most Appropriate for My Child Who is Blind Or Low Vision?

Young mother sitting at a conference table with teachers.

As children with blindness or low vision progress through school, parents and administrators meet regularly to review the child’s progress and set new goals. Sometimes, especially for older students, questions arise as to whether special education services are still necessary—if the student is doing well as long as basic accommodations like braille, large print, and/or […]