Podcast with Dr. Kay Alicyn Ferrell

headshot of Dr. Kay Alicyn Ferrell

Listen to the Podcast with Dr. Kay Alicyn Ferrell Transcript of the Podcast with Dr. Kay Alicyn Ferrell Narrator: Hello and welcome to this AFB Press Podcast. Featuring a discussion with Dr. Kay Alicyn Ferrell, author of the book, Reach Out and Teach: Helping Your Child Who Is Visually Impaired Learn and Grow. Dr. Ferrell […]

Your Teenager’s Feelings About Being Blind or Low Vision

A teenager wearing glasses standing in the hallway with a group of students in the background.

Like you, your teenager is going to have a range of feelings about their eye condition. The teenage years in general are an emotional time for many young people as they move from adolescence to adulthood. Most want to fit in with their peers and being “different” because of a visual impairment can cause reactions […]

Your Child’s Educational Team

A diverse group of teachers having a discussion in a conference room.

Understanding and Working with Your Child’s Teachers, Specialists, and Aides No one person has all the necessary specialized knowledge and skills to meet your child’s unique needs. For this reason, the ” team ” concept is fundamental when promoting your child’s growth, development, and learning. Throughout your child’s school years, you will be working with […]

Working with Your Child’s Orientation and Mobility Specialist: 8 Questions to Ask

Two students with canes walking in the hallway with a teacher.

Who Is the Orientation and Mobility Specialist? The orientation and mobility (O&M) specialist is a professional who has extensive training in teaching children to travel at home, at school, and in the community. O&M specialists often provide instruction to children with multiple disabilities. Sometimes this instruction is direct when they work with children regularly to […]