Managing Depression During the Holidays and Beyond

man with head in hands sitting by Christmas tree alone depicting depression during the holidays.

Editor’s note: With the holidays approaching, Audrey Demmitt, R.N., and VisionAware peer, discusses managing depression during the holidays. In her post, she provides excellent tips for coping and information about treatment. The holiday season is tough on those who are struggling with depression, anxiety, and stress. Let’s face it–for many of us, the family gatherings, […]

Managing Diabetes Medications If You are Blind or Low Vision: Part 6

NEHEP infographic depicting hand pricking finger. wording: keep your diabetes in control to prevent or slow the progression of diabetic retinopathy. (image compliments of the National Eye Health Education Program)

Audrey Demmitt, RN, BSN, is a Diabetes Nurse Educator, APH VisionAware Peer Advisor, and author of the APH VisionAware multi-part blog series on diabetes and diabetes education. In this series, Audrey has covered how diabetes education can help lower your blood sugars and reduce the risk of diabetic retinopathy, the significance of the A1c test in […]

Ten Tips for Exercising Safely with Diabetes: Part 5 in Series

Older Woman Sitting on Chair Stretching

Audrey Demmitt, RN, BSN, is a Diabetes Nurse Educator, APH VisionAware Peer Advisor, and author of the APH VisionAware multi-part blog series on diabetes and diabetes education. In this post, she discusses ten tips for exercising safely with diabetes. In past posts, Audrey has discussed how diabetes education can help lower your blood sugars and reduce the […]

Ways to Make Monitoring Blood Sugar Easier, More Accurate and Less Costly: Part 3

Photo of woman’s hand and blood glucose meter. She is pricking her finger. Compliments of NIH, NIDDK

Editor’s note: This is the third in a series of updated posts on living with diabetes and blindness or low vision, written by Audrey Demmitt, RN, BSN, a Diabetes Nurse Educator and APH  VisionAware Peer Advisor. Audrey discusses the importance of developing regular and accurate blood glucose monitoring skills, which are essential for people with diabetes. […]