Modeling Literacy for Parents of Children with Blindness

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Parenting requires significant modeling, and literacy is one area where you can model and share the joy of reading with your child. If you are new to blindness, you may be overwhelmed or overthinking how to engage your child with books, typically considered a visual activity. However, learning to adapt, incorporating braille, and making literacy fun at home will help you navigate the challenges. As a parent, you can model literacy behaviors and create an engaging learning environment at home to help make reading an enjoyable and rewarding experience. So, whether you are a parent, guardian, or educator, here are tips and ideas to effectively model literacy for children with blindness or low vision. 

How is Teaching Literacy Different for a Child Who Is Blind? 

Children who are blind or have low vision rely on their other senses to access information. You know your child best; you are uniquely positioned to design literacy activities tailored to their preferences and needs. Your child may be sensitive to noises, so touch and smell might be more effective ways to engage them with literacy activities.  


  • Early sensory-rich interactions are essential for understanding the world. 
  • Literacy for blind children extends beyond braille, incorporating tactile materials, audio content, and technology. 
  • Keep it simple; use what you have at home.  

Early Steps: How Can Parents Support Literacy? 

Parents, you are your child’s first teachers and role models. Engaging parents can show the joy, journey, and curiosity that literacy brings to your life. You can also model the need for taking notes, making lists, and other writing needs. You can: 

  • Provide tactile and audio materials early to build familiarity with literacy concepts. 
  • Make everyday activities a chance to explore language through touch, sound, smell, and taste. 
  • Use hand-under-hand to help your child find textures on a book, understand the book orientation, find braille, and explore additional materials that accompany the book.  
  • Introduce braille labels on appliances, toys, and books. 
  • Use textures and bump dots on board books to help turn pages. 
  • Pair spoken descriptions with everyday activities to enhance understanding. 

Tips for Reading to Your Blind Child 

Reading to a blind child is a chance to connect and nurture literacy. 

  • Use expressive voices and sound effects to make stories engaging. 
  • Encourage interaction by asking questions like, “What do you think happens next?”, “I really like … just like our … in the story.”, “Would you want to do … or go where they went?”  
  • Bring stories to life with props or related tactile objects. 
  • Add braille to books you already have and love. 
  • Add textures to books to add to the illustrations. 
  • YouTube is a great place to create playlists for a variety of sounds.  
  • Use your library or Bookshare to access free audiobooks. 

Book Nooks 

Think about your favorite coffee shop or restaurant; what makes it unique, and what parts of it do you love? Take a small area of a room and create a book nook. Alternatively, perhaps you have an old play tent you can utilize. Have your child gather pillows and blankets to create a cozy place where they will want to read. There are many ways you can make a space just for reading for your child; this will help them associate reading with comfort and discovery. With their help, you will create the perfect book nook for them.  

Using Technology to Enhance Literacy 

Assistive technology provides opportunities for your child to gain access and independence to explore literacy interests: 

  • Audiobooks and screen readers help children access stories independently. 
  • Braille notetakers and smart braillewriters make reading and writing interactive. 
  • Starting with a phone or tablet, use the accessibility features to help your child at home. You may use enlarged text, zoom features, screen readers, and more.  

Supporting Early Literacy Skills in Deafblind Children 

Children who are deafblind or have multiple disabilities face unique challenges in developing literacy. Early intervention is crucial in supporting strategies specific to your child’s abilities. Understanding their specific needs is key to fostering literacy skills. Families can incorporate these strategies to support literacy at home. Consistent efforts help nurture a child’s love for reading and communication. 

What Strategies Can Enhance Literacy: 

  • Incorporate real objects and textures to teach concepts and vocabulary. This hands-on approach allows children to explore and understand their environment.  
  • Use sounds and verbal descriptions to complement tactile experiences, enhancing comprehension. 
  • Integrate physical activities that involve movement to reinforce learning and maintain engagement. 
  • Using methods like tactile signing or symbol systems can facilitate understanding and expression. 

Adding to Your Digital Rolodex 

Creating a strong support network and community is essential for you as a parent to avoid feeling alone and isolated. Sharing experiences and learning from others can provide valuable insight. This network can offer encouragement and practical help in literacy development. 

  • Connect with other parents in your community, state, or through social media groups for parents, braille readers, or individual accounts. 
  • Connect with professionals on your child’s team to collaborate and ensure the team is communicating. Seek professionals to help support your learning and understanding of IEPs, assistive technology, or other advocacy skills. 
  • Libraries and community partners may offer activities and workshops to help you grow your network and support. Engage with recreational programs that offer adaptive sports or inclusive activities.  

By modeling positive literacy behaviors, creating a supportive environment, and utilizing the right tools, you give your child the foundation they need to thrive. Literacy opens doors to endless possibilities, and your guidance makes all the difference. Start today and make reading a joyful journey for your family! 

Frequently Asked Questions

Is it difficult for sighted parents to learn braille?

While it takes practice, many sighted parents find learning braille manageable with resources like the Bringing Braille Basics Home Series.

How can I encourage a child who is a reluctant reader?

Choose books related to your child’s interests, make reading interactive, and consider audiobooks as an alternative to build confidence.

What resources are available for families of blind children?

Libraries, organizations like the American Printing House for the Blind, and local community programs offer free braille books, workshops, and tools.