Individualized Education Program (IEP): What to Advocate For
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A mother and son talking to a teacher at an IEP meeting.
Under IDEA Part B, every child with a disability is entitled to a Free Appropriate Public Education (FAPE). For children with visual impairments—including blindness—the Individualized Education Program (IEP) is designed to meet their general and disability-related needs. In this guide, we’ll explore the purpose of the IEP, what to expect at IEP meetings, and practical advice for parents on navigating the process to ensure their child receives the support they deserve.
Understanding the Purpose of an IEP
An IEP is a legally binding document that outlines how a school will meet your child’s educational and disability-related needs. Its key purposes include:
Providing FAPE (Free Appropriate Public Education):
- Inclusive Education: The IEP ensures your child has access to the same quality of education as their non-disabled peers.
- Tailored Supports: It includes regular education services and additional supports specific to your child’s needs.
- Disability-related needs are incorporated alongside regular education services; they do not replace them.
- Expanded Core Curriculum (ECC): For children with visual impairments, the ECC covers specialized instruction such as compensatory skills, Orientation and Mobility, Independent Living Skills, Social Skills, Self-Determination, and more.
- Reading and writing letters and numbers are regular education needs, but print may not be the best learning medium for your child. Therefore, your child may need disability-related instruction in braille to access regular instruction in reading, writing, and math.
- The ECC includes instruction in assistive technology so that your child may perform age-appropriate tasks efficiently, effectively, and for an age-appropriate sustainable length of time.
- Access to Technology: The IEP should list any assistive technology or adaptive tools your child needs to participate fully in school.
- Clarification: These tools supplement regular classroom tools—not replace them.
Preparation for Post-Secondary Life:
- Transition Planning: The IEP includes goals and services that prepare your child for life after high school, whether for further education, employment, or independent living.
What to Expect at an IEP Meeting
An IEP meeting gathers your child’s educational team. Teachers, specialists, and you as a parent discuss your child’s strengths, abilities, needs, and the results of key assessments. Key assessments include a Functional Vision Assessment, Learning Media Assessment, Orientation and Mobility Assessment, Assistive Technology Assessment, and an assessment documenting the present levels of performance within the nine domains of the ECC. Key components include:
- The team will discuss your child’s academic, social, and functional skills based on comprehensive assessments.
- Take a moment to note any new skills or tasks your child is learning or doing independently at home.
Setting Measurable Goals:
- Establish robust, individualized annual goals that are “reasonably calculated” to enable progress.
- The U.S. Supreme Court has found that the IEP should be “reasonably calculated to enable the child to make progress appropriate in light of the child’s circumstances [such as the child’s disability/disabilities and individual needs]—Endrew F. v. Douglas Co. Sch. Dist., 137 S. Ct. 988 (2017).
Determining Additional Needs:
- Plan for supplementary services such as a Speech and Language Pathologist, Occupational Therapist, and Physical Therapist.
Documenting Accommodations and Modifications:
- Specify which accommodations (access) and modifications (changes to the standard curriculum) your child requires to ensure they are appropriate and the least restrictive for your child.
- Identify and document the support for school personnel, timing, frequency, and location of services, and any instances where your child will not participate with your non-disabled peers.
- Record any testing accommodations.
Navigating the IEP Process: Advocacy Tips and Strategies
Your role as a parent is crucial and key to the team. You know your child best. Here are ways to advocate effectively:
Educate the Educators:
- Many educators or support staff have never worked with a student who is blind. An IEP meeting is an opportunity for you to help educate them.
- At the start of the school year or new semester, consider sending an introductory email with photos, your child’s interests, and successful strategies used at home. A brief email can help the team understand your child’s unique learning style.
- Share insights about your child’s preferences, motivators, and effective practices, especially since blindness is a low-incidence disability.
Value Introductions and Team Collaboration:
- Ensure everyone at the meeting introduces themselves and states their role. This builds mutual respect and leverages the diverse expertise of the team.
- Another way to start the meeting is by sharing something positive about your child. Hearing all of the wonderful things they are doing in school will set a positive tone for the meeting.
Call for Meetings When Necessary:
- Don’t hesitate to request additional meetings if the IEP isn’t meeting your child’s evolving needs. You may consider requesting an IEP meeting at the start of a new school year, if your child is in a new school, or if there is a new IEP team member.
- Meet with the IEP team to add services or assistive technology, adjust an ineffective plan, or set new goals if your child meets them early or their needs change.
Document Everything:
- Keep an IEP binder or digital folder with all communications, assessments, and meeting notes.
- Clear written documentation is essential, as the IEP overrides any verbal agreements.
- After each meeting, send a follow-up email summarizing what was agreed upon, ensuring nothing is overlooked. Keep all communication with emails documented and organized in your binders.
Know Your Rights and Advocate Assertively:
- Your state likely has advocates who can identify potential solutions for your child and help you understand the IEP process and what to do if you disagree.
- You do not have to sign the IEP if you do not agree with the whole document or part of the IEP. You can schedule another meeting to discuss your concerns further.
- If you disagree with assessments or proposed services, request an independent education evaluation (IEE) at no cost to you.
Involve Support People:
- Invite an advocate, a friend, or an experienced professional to attend meetings with you.
- An advocate can attend your IEP meeting to help you better understand the IEP process and to explain the Procedural Rights and Parental Safeguards.
Consider Recording the Meeting:
- With a 24-hour notice to the school, recording can help you review details later and ensure all your points are addressed.
Importance of Reevaluations/Triennial Assessments:
- School districts must review and discuss reevaluations/triennial assessments every three years.
- If your child’s diagnosis, needs, or circumstances change, request a reevaluation sooner—don’t wait for the three-year mark.
An effective IEP is a collaborative effort that reflects your child’s unique needs, abilities, and potential. Understanding its purpose, knowing what to expect at meetings, and actively advocating for your child can help ensure that the IEP is a dynamic tool for their growth and future success. Remember: your insights as a parent are invaluable, and your advocacy helps shape a program that prepares your child for education, employment, and independent living beyond their school years.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What is the main purpose of an IEP? The IEP is designed to provide a Free Appropriate Public Education (FAPE) by outlining regular education and disability-related services tailored to your child’s needs.
How do I ensure the IEP addresses my child’s unique needs? Advocate by sharing detailed information about your child’s strengths and challenges and effective strategies for working with your child. Document all assessments; set measurable goals; and clearly outline accommodations and modifications. Your child’s TVI will conduct a Functional Vision Assessment, Learning Media Assessment, and an Assistive Technology Assessment to assess your child’s visual abilities in accessing their education.
What role does the Expanded Core Curriculum (ECC) play in the IEP for children with blindness or low vision. The ECC provides specialized instruction in braille literacy, orientation and mobility, and assistive technology, ensuring that students with blindness or low vision can access the regular curriculum effectively.