Lesson 13: E-mail

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Activity: E-mail at Work

Key Considerations

Initial communications between job seekers and employers can often occur online either through the completion of an online job application or through email correspondence when you, for example, inquire about a job opening. When you send an email to someone you’ve never met or personally spoken with, you will want to take steps to make a good first impression. Once a potential employer reads your email, they will simultaneously form an impression about the type of person you are. Your email should reflect your knowledge and courtesy. Therefore, as you begin the job exploration process, it is important to learn and practice professional email etiquette in order to build an online reputation that is professional and respectful.


Keep these tips in mind as you move forward with establishing a professional online reputation that is positive, respectful, thoughtful, and prompt.

  1. Create a professional email address to use for communicating with your instructors and future employers.
  2. Send an email to your instructor making him aware of your email address and ask for feedback about the content and delivery of your email.
  3. As you participate in the job development activities, practice and refine your online communication skills. Send and respond to emails as if you are responding to a co-worker or your supervisor.