Recommended Podcasts and Websites

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Are you blind or have low vision and looking for guidance on career changes, personal development, or preparing for a first career? We’ve compiled a list of podcasts that feature employment stories, career development tips, and insights into how blind and low vision individuals are succeeding in the workplace and life. While some of these are specifically related to blindness, others cover employment in general. 

Many of the following podcasts that focus specifically on blindness feature the stories of individuals who are blind and how they manage their jobs. If you are interested in a specific career as someone who is blind, you may want to reach out to one of the featured guests. 

Try requesting one of the podcasts by name from your preferred smart speaker. 

Podcasts Focusing on Employment and Career Success for People Who Are Blind or Have Low Vision 

  1. Blind Abilities 
  1. Heard & Empowered 
  • Podcast – Presented by the National Industries for the Blind (NIB), this podcast offers information on employment supports and highlights how blind individuals achieve success in various jobs. 
  1. Let’s get to Work 
  • Let’s get to Work  This American Council of the Blind podcast features interviews with blind people who share their stories of success in the workplace. 
  1. Where the Blind Work 
  • Where the Blind Work YouTube playlist  Produced by the National Federation of the Blind, this podcast features informative interviews with successful blind individuals who are employed. 
  1. Eyes on Success 
  • Listening to Eyes On Success While not directly focused on employment, this podcast often features interviews with successfully employed blind individuals and highlights products and services of interest to the blind community. 
  1. Reid My Mind 

Additional Podcasts on Career Development and Growth 

  1. Squiggly Careers 
  1. Career Relaunch® 
  • The Career Relaunch® podcast hosted by Joseph Liu  This podcast offers valuable insights for individuals seeking to change or launch a new career, making it particularly relevant to those considering career development or embarking on a fresh start. 
  1. How to Be Awesome at Your Job 
  1. Your Career GPS 
  • Your Career GPS Podcast – Apple Podcasts  With over 100 episodes, this podcast explores various aspects of career development, offering valuable tips for overcoming challenges and achieving professional success. 
  1. Good Life Project 

Whether you’re exploring new career opportunities, navigating accessibility challenges, or simply seeking motivation, these podcasts are valuable resources to help guide you on your journey toward professional success.