Bienvenido Al Centro De Transición

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Independientemente de la transición que tengas por delante, de Intervención Temprana a Preescolar, de Preescolar a Jardín de Infancia, de Primaria a Secundaria, o de Secundaria y más allá, aquí encontrarás información relevante para prepararte para el siguiente paso.

Transitioning through various educational stages—be it from early intervention to preschool, preschool to kindergarten, elementary to middle school, or beyond—requires careful planning and support, especially for students who are blind or visually impaired. Our comprehensive hub offers valuable resources to assist families, Teachers of the Visually Impaired (TVIs), Certified Orientation and Mobility Specialists (COMS), Special Education (SPED) professionals, and Pre-Employment Transition Services (Pre-ETS) providers in preparing for these pivotal transitions.

A key feature of the Transition Hub, a searchable database of local rehabilitation and transition programs available in-person, virtually, and in hybrid formats. These programs focus on essential areas such as self-advocacy, independent living skills, orientation and mobility, career exploration, and both paid and unpaid work experiences. Users can compare programs to find those that best align with individual needs and interests. Access the Transition Hub here.

For students aged 14 and above, engaging in transition services is crucial for a smooth shift from high school to higher education or employment. IEP goals during these years it is important to include goals for independent living, further education and future employment. Preparing your child now for life after high school sets them up for success and independence.

By utilizing these resources, families and support networks can ensure that students who are blind or visually impaired are well-prepared for each transition, paving the way for independence and success in their educational and vocational endeavors. You can search the Transition Hub HERE.

Line of children getting on school bus

Transiciones: Edades y etapas

This content is also available in: English (Inglés)Mientras navegas por el viaje de tu hijo en su transición del Plan Individualizado de Servicios Familiares (IFSP) a la vida después del instituto, encontrarás consejos e ideas que te ayudarán en el camino. Estos recursos están diseñados para apoyar a las familias, a los profesionales y a […]

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