Mi madre, el viento bajo mis alas

Collage with Cover of Deanna's book with her and her Guide Dog and Picture of Deanna on left and her Mother on right

Nota del editor:  Con motivo del día de la madre, volvemos a leer un artículo que la consejera DeAnna Quietwater Noriega escribió en mayo de 2013 en homenaje a su madre. Esta publicación marcó la entrada inaugural del blog Opiniones iguales sobre la pérdida de la visión (Peer Perspectives on Vision Loss), ahora llamado “Con […]

Herramientas para encontrar empleo

The poster is rectangular in shape with a black colored chalkboard background overlaid with mathematical equations. In the center of the poster, on a diagonal, is a black rectangle bordered by small teal, yellow and red rectangles. It features the 2022 NDEAM theme, “Disability: Part of the Equity Equation,” along with an equation composed of several graphics: a circular photo of a woman in a wheelchair working at a computer with colleagues, followed by a plus sign, followed by a square image of a woman who uses crutches viewing a document with a colleague, followed by an equal sign, followed by a light bulb icon. Across the top of the rectangle in small, white letters are the words National Disability Employment Awareness Month. Along the bottom in small white letters is the hashtag “NDEAM” followed by ODEP’s website address, dol.gov/ODEP. In the lower right corner in white lettering is the DOL seal followed by the words “Office of Disability Employment Policy United States Department of Labor.”

Nota del editor: Con motivo del mes nacional de concientización sobre el empleo de las personas con discapacidad (NDEAM, por su sigla en inglés), DeAnna Quietwater Noriega comparte las herramientas que ha utilizado para encontrar empleo como persona no vidente. Cualquier persona no vidente o con visión reducida que haya buscado un empleo remunerado sabe […]