Making Car Repairs if Blind or Low Vision

Person holds two wrenches in front of a car

You can certainly continue to perform most car maintenance tasks independently when blind or low vision. Most mechanics find it difficult to see many of the parts in a crowded engine space and rely on the senses of touch and sound to reach the oil filter or diagnose an engine problem. For more information about […]

Refinishing Furniture

Repainting an end table

Safety is the most important consideration when using chemicals and power tools. Even if you’ve had many years of experience with power tools and home repairs, we recommend you use a safety checklist that includes the following: Safety Considerations and Preparation Using Sandpaper More About Sandpaper A Blind Woodworker’s Story Read the personal account of […]

Music and Chorus

Close-up of hands holding sheet music

For many years, it was a popular misconception that individuals who are blind or low vision possessed special musical talent. As with all of the arts, however, it is talent and practice, rather than vision (or lack of vision) that are the key factors contributing to musical success. Use a Large Print Score or Large […]

Shaving Your Face

Adult shaves their face while nearby child pretends to do the same

Many people consider shaving a personal grooming task that is potentially dangerous for someone who is blind or has low vision. In everyday practice, however, the skill is not dangerous at all. Many skills and techniques involved in shaving do not rely upon vision and may only require basic safety adaptations and closer attention to […]

Sink Area With and Without Contrast

Dark counter with white sink

Sink Area Without Contrast The low contrast bathroom sink graphic shows a sink with a soap dish and soap holder, cup, toothbrush holder with toothbrushes, medicine cabinet with medicine bottles, light switch, hand towel, and hairbrush. All the items are a light color against light-colored walls and a light-colored countertop. The labels on the medicine […]